Year 2011
Location Busan, South Korea
Typology Opera house
Scale 57.000 m2
Status Competition entry
Authors Miha Volgemut/ Gregor Rutar/ Andrej Sergaš/ Simon Kutin/ Yue Chen
The new opera house will be positioned on the island, dominantly surrounded by the water.
Location of the water therefore should be exposed and represented.
An opera in the city should be domesticated and yet still embody strong cultural aspirations. The tension between domestication and charisma should be the driving force of its life.
What opera does? Experiencing the opera performance transcends us from the material world. Opera building is not to be a formal language or context responsive, it is to be transcendent and dematerialized and should float above the water with its ideal form. Its face is to be on the other hand like frozen music, which evokes theatricality and invites us inside.