Year 2004 - 2006
Location Kamnik, Slovenia
Typology Residential/Offices
Scale 6.100 m2
Status Completed
Design firm BIZAAR d.o.o.
Authors Andrej Kocjan/Miha Volgemut
In southern part of Kamnik there is rising a “new Kamnik”, accelerated urbanization with shopping malls, residential and office complexes.
New residential twin building with 38 apartments is located in this area. Building has 1 underground floor and 5 floors above ground.
Twins are positioned perpendicular to the main street, and not, as usual, parallel to it. In accordance with the street-bend they fan out, in a way that they form triangular semi-public yard between them. As to the context of height, new Twins are intermediate step in the height of neighboring buildings on the both side.
Usual city block in the narrow and dense street has no terraces, the new Twins are innovative in the sense, that they actually have terraces towards the street, with depth even 3m in upper floors. Terraces are shaped in the way, that every next terrace in the floor is deeper than previous one, so this assures certain degree of intimacy of dwellers in very dense street corridor and also good atmospheric shelter. Volumes of terraces also reach very powerful visual and compositional momentum in the space, so they become some kind of refrain of the street.